Crime Scene Investigation
Location - Clue
The Word Search will lead you to this answer
Location - Answer
Central Park
Time - Clue
The coin value gives you the minutes. The arrow shows that its ‘before’
Time - Answer
Quarter to 4 or 3:45
Date - Clue
Crime Scene Report
Date - Answer
Suspects Name - Clue
Suspects Name - Answer
Charles Manson
Suspect No - Clue
Crime Scene photos and suspect mug shot. Which suspect has the same features as items from from the photos.
Suspect No - Answer
The murdered was suspect no. 6
Treasure Hunt
Country - Clues
Dechiper the lost language of the Triste people on page 1.
Country - Answer
Location on Map - Clue
This reptile moves faster in water than on land
Location on Map - Answer
Maze - Answer
Treasure Chest - Clue
You will need to cut out the grey squares. Once you have holes place the sheet ontop of page 7.
Treasure Chest - Answer
Scroll, Hook, Diamond, Monocular
1920's Prohibition
Location - Clue
Find which letter is represented by the number
Location - Answer
Chumley’s, 86 Bedford St
Date - Clue
The wine bottles give you the day. Use the calendar and the wine glass for the date. Which week does the wine in the wine glass line up to?
Date - Answer
Friday, 13th February 1922
Time - Clue
Covert the imgaes into words and add or subtract the letters given.
Time - Answer
Password - Clue
Read the newspaper article. Pay close attention to what may be different.
Password - Answer
Barry Sent Me
O.F.H Secret Society
Building Name - Clue
‘My treasures are golden and guarded by thousands amongst a maze no man can enter’
Which icon on the map matches the riddle?
Building - Answer
Royal Exhibition Building – Melbourne
(The Beehive)
Meeting Date - Clue
Use the invitation and the email from the location to find the date.
(If you haven’t received an email, please check the map deatils)
Meeting Date - Answer
Tuesday, 18th February
Meeting Time - Clue
The missing lines are what will give you the answer
Meeting Time - Answer
14:35 or 2:35pm
Room No. - Clue
Using both the blueprint of the venue as well as the booking sheet – which room has all requirements?
Room No. - Answer
Room No C157
Password - Clue
Finish the hangman on the booking sheet
Password - Answer
(All lower case)
Initiation: #1 Rule - Clue
Decipher the writing on the post card using A = E
Initiation: #1 Rule - Answer
Invited Guests Come Alone
Initiation: Year Established - Clue
Newspaper article – Term: Word or Phrase
Eleveth word
Initiation: Year Established - Answer
Initiation: Founding Members - Clue 1
The post cards have words matching the the images from this page:
Initiation: Founding Members - Clue 2
Each post card has 4 matching words to images. Unscramble the letters you have from the 4 images. Each set of 4 images will give you a name.
Extra hint: one of the names starts with: THE
Initiation: Founding Members - Answer
William Orange
The Reverend
Initiation: Name of Order - Clue
Crossword Puzzle – 7 across: Fallen
Initiation: Name of Order - Answer
Order of Fallen Heroes
Congrats you have passed the initiation and will now be welcomed into the society!
Orient Express
Call Sheriff Jones - Clue
Find an item on the table closest to the painting
Call Sheriff Jones - Answer
Using the keypad on your phone find which numbers correspond to JONES
Luggage - Clue
Grab the keys from the room with the calendar
Luggage - Answer
Look around in this room – Top Right hand side of the sliding door
Locked Box - Clue
Locked Box - Answer
Wall Safe - Clue 1
Items Needed:
1. Train Tickets
2. Chess board
Wall Safe - Clue 2
Items Needed:
1. Train Tickets – Each set of tickets spell out a word
2. Chess board – Each chess piece reveals a number
Wall Safe - Answer
Train tickets give you the words KNIGHT, QUEEN, TOWER, KING.
Looking at the coordinants on the chess board you find that the Knight is at G7, Queen at C5, Tower at A4 and King at H2
Revealing the Wall safe code 7542
Women's Bag - Clue 1
Items Needed:
1. Letter from victim
2. Red stamp
Women's Bag - Clue 2
Items Needed:
1. Letter from victim – Read the 1st letter of each line
2. Red stamp – Use the jumbled letters and the NO AGONY
Women's Bag - Answer
Items Needed:
1. Letter from victim – 1st letter from each line = THREE ONE NINE TWO
2. Red Stamp – Jumbled words without the letters AGONY = THREE FIVE SIX
Letter + No Agony = 3192 + 356 = 3548
Locked Box (Last Room) - Clue 1
Items Needed:
1. Pigpen Decoder
2. Clocks
Locked Box (Last Room) - Answer
Projector - Clue
Items Needed:
3 Newspaper articles
Focus on the different colours.
Projector - Answer
Items Needed:
3 Newspaper articles: Each of the coloured circled letters spell out a word
Purple – ONE
Yellow – TWO
Green – FOUR
Blue – FIVE
Locked Box (3rd Blue Arrow) - Clue
Items Needed:
Movie from the projector.
Beginning of death – D
Locked Box (3rd Blue Arrow) - Answer
Items Needed:
Movie from the projector
Beginning of death = D
Middle of train = A
End of wagon = N
Start of creep = C
End of fake = E
Luggage Room (Red Arrow) - Clue
Items Needed:
Remeber that you will need to use the 24 hour format to solve this puzzle
Luggage Room (Red Arrow) - Answer
Items Needed:
1. Clocks
2. ‘Important’ Note
AM Clock 1 = 2
PM Clock 1 = 14
2+14 = 16
AM Clock 2 = 4
PM Clock 2 = 14
4+14 = 18
AM Clock 3 = 2
PM Clock 3 = 20
2+20 = 22
Engine Shutdown Code - Clue 1
Items Needed:
1. Operator ID Birth date
2. July Calendar
3. Suspect
Engine Shutdown Code - Clue 2
Items Needed:
1. Operator ID Birth date – Eryk Wilks DOB July 25th
2. July Calendar – Look at the symbols on the 25th July. Cut each symbol in half (Mirrored image)
3. Suspect – Collect all the data from the sherrif to eliminate your suspects.
– ‘The murderer is not from Miami’
– ‘The murderer does not smoke’
Engine Shutdown Code - Answer
Shutdown key code:
1809 (From the July calendar)
Suspect is: Natalie Cornett