Perth 0426 372 273 Bunbury 0451 590 250

The Perth awards process started on the 10th February 2021 when we received an email from the JBA announcing their 2021 Business Awards. After some considration and chatting to the team we decided why not!

After entering both the Innovator of the Year and People’s Choice Award we waited and waited. Then came the 10th March and a new email pinged into our inbox,

Congratulations! You have been shortlisted as a finalist in the upcoming Community Vision Australia JBA Business Awards 2021.

We couldnt believe our eyes, Time’s Up has actually been shortlisted for an award, we had no idea for which one but we were excited! The event was only 10 days away and we needed to get tickets fast.

A little information regarding the award:

Community Vision Australia JBA Business Awards 2021 are extremely sought after and offer finalists and winners a great opportunity to enhance marketing opportunities for their business.  This is a prominent event in the Northern Suburbs celebrating success and achievements within the Business Community.

The night arrived, we were nervous, excited and hopeful.

As we walked up the stairs at AQWA, we were escorted to the Shipwreck Coast area, where we met a turtle named Captian and a few other fish friends. No Nemo unfortunately. As our first trip to AQWA we were amazed at the sealife as well as the actual shipwreck right in the middle of the aquarium

After the tour of the Shipwreck Coast we walked up to the function centre at AQWA where we found our seats and met felllow JBA members and nominees, just in time. The MC took the stage and opened the event asking everyone to take a seat and went through the house rules for the evening.

Once the Perth awards started we were extactic to find out that we were one of the finalist for both the Innovator of the Year as well as the People’s Choice award. Unfortuantely we didn’t win the Innovator of the Year, BUT guess what! We won the 2021 People’s Choice Award!

Nervously I walked up to the stage to accept the award from Helen from Community News. A little unprepared for the speech part, I quickly thanked everyone and made my way off the stage (I’m definitely more of a behind the scenes kind of person).

JBA awards night
Award winner

We want to thank our amazing customers for taking the time to vote for us! Without you we wouldn’t have even been nominated.

🏆 To the best Game Masters in the world, without your smiling faces, helpful hints and skill full resets this wouldn’t have been possible!
🥸 To Caitlin, the brains behind our social media! Thank you for your creative input, the countless spell checks and rewrites and your dedication to see Time’s Up grow.
🥰 To my family, thank you for believing in my dream just as much as me. Thank you for the countless hours of painting, cutting, sowing and driving around looking for that perfect prop. I wouldn’t have come this far without you.
💜 To my dad and business partner. Thank you for bringing to life the ideas and dreams that are sometimes so hidden in my brain, that it takes a week just to put them on paper. Thank you for your patience and trust! Thank you for not only working full time but also putting everything you have into this dream of ours. Couldn’t have asked for a better business partner!

Finally thank you to the Joondalup Business Association for hosting an incredible event and giving us the opportunity to win this amazing Perth award. Thank you to Perth Now for sponsoring this award and to the wonderful people Community Vision for sponsoring this event!

We hope to be nominated once again next year and our goal is to come home with perhaps 2 awards!

Visit the JBA Page to see all the other winners of the evening.

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